Thunder7102's "Sonic Adventure: Emerald Coast" is a pretty good attempt at a sonic remake. It didn't quite have the same "flow" as the 2D sonic games I remember playing did, and I didn't recognize any of the scenery in the level, but I haven't really played that many sonic games, so that isn't for me to say. The hardest part of the level is where you collect the four temporary jump and run powerups, and have to jump off the purple "ramp".
As the level is slightly challenging, it makes it a great leaderboard level; especially with the scattered gems and hidden treasure. If you're aiming for the top leaderboards, I recommend playing the level for score, then for speed, then both.
I like Thunder's idea of using atmosphir springs to emulate sonic style springs... although it isn't quite the same. Be careful, though, on them. The high run speed makes it tricky to keep from flying off the path, so be careful.
Overall, even though this level has not much variety, the leaderboard and gameplay properties, I think, make up for it. This level gets an 81/100 rating.
Review by Entity.
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